73° Green
73 Degrees Realty is committed to living green (at home & in the office) and serving the needs of the San Diego green real estate community. By taking an active role in our lives, we seek to lead by example thereby educating & advocating the benefits of green real estate to our community & the world around us.
Green real estate focuses on:
1. Sustainability
2. Healthy/eco-friendly Living Space
3. Energy Efficiency/low carbon footprint
Visit our green websites for more on these topics or to see local green homes:
1. SDGreenHomesTour.org – join us on our next green homes tour!
2. GreenHomesSanDiego.com – search currently listed green homes & real estate for sale in San Diego County.
73 Degrees Realty manages and sponsors a local green home meetup in an effort to further the green movement and continue to learn. We meet a handful of times a year at a different green home in the community to view & discuss specific features of green real estate. See what we are doing and join us if you are interested:
Here are some other green links that we think you may find useful:
1. USGBC San Diego: Get training and get involved with San Diego’s local green community
2. CSE: The Center for Sustainable Energy is a great place to get involved in the green community through classes and personal connections.
3. SDG&E: home energy efficiency rebates and information.
Green Home Consult: have a green home specialist visit your home and give you pointers on how to save money & our environment by going green. Just call Adam Pascu at 858-761-1707 to discuss.
Adam was a perfect real estate agent for us. He exceeded our expectations in so many ways. He helped us get the condo ready to sell by setting up painters, a handyman, cleaners, etc. He held several Open Houses, and was willing to show the property at any time. Most importantly he communicated wi...
- Roy & JakiSOLD! South Park Home with Granny Flat / ADU
Sold! Fantastic Location on a quiet non-thru str... Read More
South Park Modern Luxury. Sold for $1.465m!
Sold! Contact Broker Adam Pascu to sell your home today: 858-761-1707 Step into moder... Read More
Cortez Hill Luxury Condo
Sold! Call Adam to Sell your home: 858-761-1707. Here is your chance to live in The... Read More